Sunday, December 7, 2008

A month from today I'll be on my way to AUSTRALIA?!?!?! WTF!?!!

Dear Tim,
You aren’t Monica, but you’ll never be. Sorry to break your heart. Going into this class I was skeptical of what I would gain, but you didn’t disappoint. There was so much covered in this class that it doesn’t seem fair to reflect upon it because I couldn’t possibly address everything, especially the lectures I missed because I was broke. Ha.
Alright, truth time. I was disappointed that there wasn’t more discussion from other students. It wasn’t like this stuff was boring?! That it couldn’t apply to anyone, but I felt like the class was disappointing. And embarrassing for the very reasons why I dread answering the question: What’s your major? Because it isn’t taken seriously. Not that I was the perfect student. You can recall me laughing at the optional reading/viewing assignments. I guess there really wasn’t anything you could do about that, but it would have been cool if you could have guilt tripped people.
There was so much covered that there was a lot to absorb from each class. Asking the class for their thoughts was too general. I know thats an easy place to start which is especially appropriate for us COMM majors, but I understand.
Pretty much, the material was challenging enough, but the lack of class participation ruined it. Y es mas, I didn’t want to speak up half the time because I was hoping someone else would chime in with something really good to say which sometimes happened.
This class confirmed my place in the world. That understanding our popular culture and media matters. That my fascination with films, television and media will pay off because its become a part of my passion. It will help when I have the power to change the world for good. To be an honest voice for the exploited, oppressed and marginalized who deserve better from the mediums keeping them down. I’m still figuring out what I want to do with it, but it seems like its coming into focus.
Thanks for Bell Hooks, for bringing in your friend who talked about V for Vendetta and memory, for showing Avatar and for making us write this un-bs’able manifest on theology and popular culture. The feminist within me is proud.
Since this is a reflection I decided to share my rant. There you go.
- M. Rivera

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