Friday, November 21, 2008

Spring Awakening-- so good!

My visual review and representation of Entertainment Theology by Barry Taylor focused on the chapter within part 2. I choose to highlight the best discussions which were solely from the middle of the book. In the film Waterworld, the lost of land is the lost of certainty and the water is used to represent uncertainly and a lost community due to the unlimited possibilities of life. It leads into the next point of how globalization has allowed all forms of religion and spirituality to be share amongst everyone. Postmodern Taoism, Rational mysticism, postmodern Gothic and celebrating celebrity-- particularly Kabblah are all optional postmodern followings. Lastly, I chose to visually reflect what I considered to be the best chapter of the book: ‘Shopping for God’. It made great critic of how American are finding the right spiritual fit by shopping for it.

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